Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

my mine

“ The Malice Hidden Behind The Masque “

( Part 1)
In front of stage
Aoyama : Basically, they were plays featuring masks before shake speare’s time.  They were a popular type of play in England until then.
                 The play that’s being performed right now is “John Benson’s” “The Triumph of Folly”
Kogoro   : Hmm…. You know, this performance is really something. 
Shitara : in order to achieve that effect we borrowed actual rapier to practice with.
Shinichi : haah…
(on stage, Akai and Kinuko fight )(Akai stab the Kinuko chest)
Kogoro  : huh…..No script?
Aoyama : There ‘s no call of a script. This is a silent play.
Kogoro  : I see. He vanished!
Aoyama : There’s a landing under the veranda. He just has to split.
(The Queen sit on the chair)
Kogoro  : And, this scane is.
Shitara  : this is a pivotal scane in which the Queen raises his cup in celebration, following the death of Princess and Minister. Of course, it was the king who orcheastrated the feud between the two.
(The Queen drink the wine and fall down)
Ran : Huh
Shitara  : The wine the Queen was just drinking was poisoned by the Minister beforehand.

(End) (Part 2)
Kogoro  : It seen like quite a bloody story.
Aoyama : the story indeed an intricate one. This play has encountered a number of problems in the past.
Kogoro : what you’re saying is…..
Aoyama : they say that ever since the first performance in the 17th century. This play has been cursed, and leads to the death of a cast member.
( Kogoro wondering)
Ran : the girl playing the Princess really looks like a Princess, doesn’t she?
Shitara : that is our star actress, by name Suichi Akai.
Kogoro : huh….. It’s Mizunashi
Ran : Dad, you’ve heard of her?
Kogoro : yeah…. Back when I was a student,I watched her movies all the time.
Shitara : the one playing the Minister is Shimizu Kinuko.
   In reality, during practice suspiciou happening have come after the other. That’s way we asked you Detective Mouri.
Kogoro : leave it to me. It shall be easy as relaxing on a boat – no, I mean, a cruse liner!
(In property room)
Kogoro : no problem at all ( look into all of property)
( in the outside of property room)
Kogoro : there aren’t any suspicious place, are there?
                   Hey, where’s the brat?
Ran : huh? Shinichi…. It’s such a big place, he could have gotten lost. I ‘ll go find him.
Kogoro : that kid is such a pain.
( in property room, Shinichi menguping)
Queen : by switching this rapier with the real one. Akai will…..
Kyoto although I may not know where you’re now. I only hope you will see tomorrow’s news. (look at photo on Hp). Because the news will be about the accidental death of the man that’s having a secret affair of you! Akai, come tomorrow, the sword of justice shall pierce right through your sinful heart.
(Shinichi ketahuan)
Queen : who are you?
Shinichi : hehe….. hy…. Bye….
Queen : hold it. You… your Detective Mouri’s
Shinichi : me? I didn’t hear a thing.
Queen : there’s no way you didn’t hear anything. Now that you’ve heard, there’s no way I can let you go! Until the show is finished, at the earliest.
(mengurung Shinichi di dalam lemari, Shinichi meronta)
Queen : to be honest, staying here.
(Queen meninggalkan ruagan property)

(Part 3)
(Ran meet Akai)
Ran : hhm
Akai : what? (kaget)
Ran : have you seen a boy around here?
Akai : haven’t seen him
Ran : is that so? Sorry, thanks.
(voice : the real rapier is missing)
Akai : rapier? Could it be. How dangerous? Damn it, I’m filing a compalaint.
                 No… wait a second. Shocking him to death on the stage. That’s doesn’t sound like a bad idea either. Now the problem . How do I switch role before the real performance begins? He’ll definitely take a bait. All night, I’ll talk to him into it.
(in Kinuko room)
Kinuko : what? You don’t have the money to pay me back, so you’ve handing me your role.
Akai : my apologies. There’s just no way for me to ready the money. As such, I’m giving you my role.
Kinuko : don’t be stupid. The actual performance is soon, anyway…. “ Hold on this is a silent play. Since there’s no script, it should be fine” actually, I’ll take it, that should be fine. Well, hurry and tell the manager.
Akai : what if we kept it surprise until we got on stage! From an acting standpoint, I think it would be interesting to try.
Kinuko : I guess so. Let’s go with that.
Akai : I’ll just leave this here (menyeringai) “ The trap I was going to remove. No, so long as I fall to be side. I should be fine.”
(in the outside of stage)
Ran : Shinichi, where are you?
(in the rest room)
Kinuko : even an elephant can be poisoned to death. That old women she’s about to see.
(in the Queen room)
Kinuko : this is a gift from your fans!
Queen : yeah. But, Sake is….. well I’ll accept it for now.
Kinuko : (menyeringai)
(voice : Mizunashi-san? Is everything going okay?)
Queen : yeah
(voice : please, although Akai-kun and Kinuko-san are doing well, these are their first starring roles. Mizunashi-san, please show them your guidance.)
Queen : yeah, I got it
(voice : okay, bye)
Queen : just don’t do anything foolish that would embarrass me like you did during rehearsel.
Kinuko : I’ll pay closer attention.
Queen : such a nice sounding response. Too bad you have zero acting talent. I’m not even sure how someone like you is allowed on stage.
                 Put this way, I’ve stopped drinking.                                                     
Kinuko : I understand.
(in another room)
(“Kinuko” voice : he just keeps going on and on and on. The main role was supposed to belong to me, originally) (memasukkan racun ke dalam minuman Queen), but because of you everything has been ruined. You must know by now that the audience is growing tired of watching you only act like you’ve been poisoned. Well, for the next performance, I’ll be the one in the spotlight)

(Part 4)
(in the outside of stage)
Kogoro : what’s wrong? Everything will be just fire
Aoyama : I suppose, but…
Kogoro : where Shinichi?
Ran : I’ve looked everywhere, but I can’t find him.
Aoyama : could it be that something happen?
Kogoro : hah, don’t worries, it’s always like this.
(in the rest room)
Queen : the moment of vergeancehas come
Kinuko : the curtail will draw
Akai : hehee the masque of death is ready to commence!
(on the stage)
(Akai play music, Kinuko stand in front of him)
(“Akai”  voice : you don’t have the slightest clue that this performance is about to become your last)
(In front of stage)
Kogoro : nothing suspicious
Shitara : same here.
Ran : where has Shinichi gone off to?
(On the stage)
(the Queen berbisik kepada Kinuko)
(“Kinuko” voice : you said it, don’t you? My dream is to see the remainder of my life on the stage. I’m merely obliging by fulfilling your wish)
(in front of stage)
Kogoro : we’re almost to the climax. In the end it seem everything will work out without a hitch.
(on the stage)
(Akai and Kinuko fight)
(“Queen” voice : that Kinuko seems to really be into it today. Could it be that be performs better during showtime? No matter, it’ll be in this state that you put a sword right through him)
(“Akai” voice : I want to showing mercy. Whatever happens, don’t blame me. It’s an accident)
(in front of stage)
Kogoro : the scene with those two looks completely different?
Shitara : yeah. I’m just seeing things, right
Kogoro : that must be it
(on the stage)
(“Akai” voice : your please for mercy will be vain)
(Akai kill Kinuko)
Kogoro : what? A sound
(“Queen” voice : finally, Akai is gone!)
(“Akai” voice : my bad, but it is just an accident, right? Berjalan ke pinggir panggung)
Aoyama : what was that sound just now?
(“Queen” voice: what goes around comes around, it would be fantastic if this were actual wine)(drink the wine)
Kogoro : just to be safe, I’ll go have a look on the floor
Queen : (mengerang kesakitan)
Ran : huh (kaget)
Kogoro : could it be…..
Ran : Dad….
Kogoro : Ran… She still alive. Ran call an ambulance!
Ran : okay
Kinuko : it’s to late. The poison’s already coursing through his body. This is the punishment for making me look like a fool. But more importantly who switched the rapier for a real one?
Queen : I was the one who did, that punishment for making my daughter suffer Akai.
Kogoro : what did you say? Akai! Huh… Kinuko. How did his happen?
Akai : once I knew the rapier had been switched for a real one I decided to switch roles with him. To repay the money I owed him. Everything was going fine. Until I ended up falling into my trap
Aoyama : just what is going on here?
Kogoro: Akai-san
Akai : am I going to die?
Kogoro : a shock that small won’t kill you. Ran still we need an ambulance!
Ran : okay
Kogoro : but, when was the rapier switched out? The last time I checked, it was definitely the fake that was there.
            It is the fake. Then…..
(“Shinichi” voice : of course it’s fake. I was the one who secretly switched them. And it wasn’t just that to make it a poor conductor, I also switched the wine inside the decanter. But at that point, I was really worried.

(Shinichi) : Damn. After escaping from the chest. I used the genuine rapier to cut the rope and then.
Is that so? The real rapier is missing?
(Akai) : How dangerous. Damn it, I’m filing a complaint.
(Shinichi) : I believed everything was all right at that point.
(Akai) : No. wait second. Shocking him to death on the stage. That doesn’t sound like a bad idea either. It isn’t like I was the one messing with the rapiers. I can still claim it was an accident.
(Shinichi) : could it be that even Akai-san. In a rush to swap the rapier with the fake one being used in the play. And to stop him from going to Kinuko-san dressing room just in case, the result was.
(Kinuko) : even an elephant can be poisoned to death. That old women, she’s about to see.
(Shinichi) : dialing with one criminal is relatively simple. But there is to many to handle. And even if they were stopped now. There will be a next time. So I have to save him, eventhough he’s a criminal.
(Queen) : Well. I’ll accept it for now.
(Shinichi) : knock-knock… Mizunashi-san. It’s everything going okay.
(Queen) : yeah
(Shinichi) : Afterwards, the show began. A bottle cup should be enough. First, make Kinuko-san lose consciousness. Next would Akai-san.
(Akai) : Shit
(Shinichi) : And then, we have Mizunashi-san.

Ran : Shinichi-san. Where were you this whole time?
Shinichi : Well. The bathroom
Ran : haa…. I’ve been looking everywhere for you
Shinichi : because I,
Ran : You’d better smarten up!
Shinichi : Yeah. I’m sorry.



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